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SMG-1 well onstream

The Hague • 26-10-2021

Mazarine Energy is pleased to announce that after publishing in the Official Gazette the SMG-1 well in the Sidi Marzoug concession has been brought onstream on 7th October 2021. SMG-1 was the third discovery in a row in Tunisia for Mazarine that was successfully tested in 2019. Sidi Marzoug is a Concession held by both ETAP (50%) and Mazarine Energy (50%) with Mazarine as operator.

Edward van Kersbergen, Founder and CEO of Mazarine Energy, said: “The team has completed another project successfully, and I want to congratulate all those involved on this great achievement.

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The Hague • 26-10-2021
SMG-1 well onstream

Mazarine Energy is pleased to announce that after publishing in the Official Gazette the SMG-1 well in the Sidi Marzoug concession has been brought onstream on 7th October 2021.

The Hague • 26-10-2021
SMG-1 well onstream

Mazarine Energy is pleased to announce that after publishing in the Official Gazette the SMG-1 well in the Sidi Marzoug concession has been brought onstream on 7th October 2021.

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